The type of web site you will want to deploy, will determine who you will want to develop the site and who will host it. Continue reading
Author Archives: Ken Gabelman
Email Accounts
Free email accounts like Yahoo, MSN, and Gmail typically employ a web based client(how you send and receive email). You access your email through a web site. The provider sells advertising on the web site to re-coup expenses and generate a profit. A web host provider may offer email services for your domain. Most provide a web interface or webmail. Another way to access your email accounts is through a local email client, Continue reading
Getting Internet Access
The first step in getting your business on-line is to procure Internet access for yourself. Today, Continue reading
My First Phone…
The Real Answer To Why Microsoft Leapfrogged The Windows 9 Release Name
If you follow the PC industry as I, you have no doubt heard many reasons why Microsoft named their latest OS release as Windows 10 instead of 9. One explanation noted that the number 9 in Japanese has bad karma. In actuality most all of the single digits have some form of evil superstitious connotation in the Orient. Ya, I know. I also like the name Redskins. The explanations from Microsoft itself sounded phony and appeared to be overt spins from their marketing department. The real reason is actually quite simple and cogent. For more than 20 years, Continue reading
Partitions, Volumes, and Drives
My Encounter with storage structures while investigating Linux
You will most likely encounter an ISO file for installing Linux on your old XP machine. After I downloaded this file, I dragged and dropped the file on my DVD drive icon in Windows Explorer and then burned the contents to a DVD. I wasn’t all that surprised when I found the ISO file nicely burned on what is now a festive window ornament. Continue reading
My Old XP Boxes
I have accumulated over the years, a number of old XP boxes. These machines had ‘486’ Pentium processors, about 512MB of memory and 20+ gigs of hard drive. They are perfect candidates for conversion to LINUX boxes. Continue reading
Open Source Presentation given at NWFLUG -2014
A presentation on popular Open Source applications in Windows given to The Northwest Florida User Group during their annual conference on February 2014. Continue reading
Why PC Users Hate Microsoft
Transcribed without permission from PCWorld February 2013 – Editor’s Letter by Jon Phillips the editor of PCWorld
I can’t remember the last time I saw an email or article comment in which a PCWorld reader professed love – or any measure of affection – for Microsoft. In fact, I’ve been covering PCs as a journalist since 1995, and I cant recall any reader ever sharing even the smallest bit of warmth for the company that has been instrumental to the health and welfare of the PC platform. Continue reading
Organize Your documents with OneNote
From the inception of the personal computer revolution, there has been game changer applications that spurred the growth of the PC industry; Electric Pencil, Visicalc, Lotus 123, Peachtree Accounting, and dBaseII – the CP/M program from Ashton Tate not the mainframe program from IBM. Though Microsoft’s OneNote cannot possibly stand with these legends, it does fill a need missing with available personal productivity software: a simple way to organize documents and files in one place